First feedback

Hi Tasha,
Your blog is up and growing! Nice work, especially with the looping slides, the video, the audio, and the links you've posted.
Some suggestions:
1. When you post links to Web pages, please link the titles of the Web pages; you can give the URL, too, but in addition. Some URLs are very, very long, e.g. those made by GoogleMaps, so we use TinyURL or bitly to shorten them .
2. Is there any way you can get the links to WEBSITES to show up on the right, as some blogs do? Blogs are notorious for difficult organization/navigation when setting up. :-)
3. AudioPal worked great for you, so record a welcome message, maybe highlighting where to go for help in what area. I also posted a comment on your Intro video -- way cool!!!
Great start, Tasha! I hope you can delete this post after reading it.

My Course Materials

link to How to create blog pages

This blog is for me to experiment with blogs for my graduate CALL Online course.